A Form Of One’s Own / 2024

Symbiosis describes the relationships in nature between two different organism that depend on each other.
Human-Object Symbiosis
This project explores the relationships between humans and the objects around
them through a system of symbiotic furniture – a system that cannot exist without the user's actions and attention.
The three pieces of furniture offer a new perspective on the dependency and physical connection between humans and the objects that surround them. They invite people to experience defamiliarization and re-examine furniture by challenging their functional essence,
inviting new ways of looking at and interacting with inanimate objects.

Chair, table, and lamp – three everyday pieces of furniture that place the user's interaction at the center, each in its own way.

Scroll down for project Video

The idea was born from an observation research where I realized there are gaps in the ways society perceives and views objects.
We perceive our objects as passive elements in space, 
meant to serve our basic needs as humans and not as active participants.
My goal was to challenge their functional essence and offer a new perspective
on the relationship between humans and the objects around them.

With only one back leg, sitting on it is possible only through attention and balance. 
it requires leaning and applying force to the legs.

A surface connected to one leg at a  point 
of imbalance. Using it requires sitting and stabilizinvg the table on one's knees


A standing lamp that cannot stand on its own, but requires being held and directed to the desired spot.

Sketches :

I wanted to retain archetypal features but make a fundamental 
change in the composition to alter the essence of the objects. 
It was important for me to create objects that are on the borderline between familiar and unfamiliar, 
in order to explore new interactions every day objects.

The project is in collaboration with  Simtat shlush 19 Community center &  Ata wear